Let's Learn Arabic

Let's Learn Arabic

Let's Learn Arabic



A word is considered definite when it refers to something specific in the world, and indefinite when it does not. For example, “a car” or “cars” do not refer to anything specific in the world and thus both examples are indefinite. Conversely, “my car” or “my cars” both refer to actual objects in the world and thus both examples are definite.

Lesson 9 - Clothes

يرتدى yartadi wear
يلبس yalbis put on
يخلع yakhla- take off
الملابس almalabis clothes
شورت short trousers
قميص qamis shirt
تى شيرت t-shirt t-shirt
فستان fustan dress
جورب gawrab pair of socks
حذاء hidha- pair of shoes
قميص مصبوب qamis masbub sweatshirt
جاكت jacket jacket
الجيبة aljiba skirt
البدلة albidla suit

The Little Beggar

Long, long ago and far, far away this story was told, and it has been told ever since, and I tell it to you now...

There was, in the city of Basra, when the evening was falling, a rosy glow upon the buildings around the central bazaar. And there was a Little Beggar, famous throughout the city for his japes and jokes and songs.
The Tailor and his wife were returning from carousing. They invited the Little Beggar to come home with them to entertain them. And there he was in their house regaling them with a story. And they fed him a piece of white meat from a fish.
The Little Beggar choked upon a bone in the meat. He fell backwards from the stool and onto the ground and lay there, motionless.
‘Uhhh! Wife, what have we done? This little man has come to our house as a guest to entertain us and we have murdered him. What will happen to my reputation?’

Lesson 4 - Colors

أبيض abyad white
أسود aswad black
أحمر ahmar red
أصفر asfar yellow
أخضر akhdar green
أزرق azraq blue
بنى bunni brown
برتقالى burtuqali orange
رمادى ramadi grey
بمبى bambi pink
بنفسجى banafsagi purple

How do I breathe

How do I breathe, yeah?
How do I breathe, yeah?

It feels so different being here,
I was so used to being next to you,
Life for me is not the same,
There's no one to turn to.
I don't know why I let it go too far,
Starting over - it's so hard.
Seems like everywhere I try to go,
I keep thinking of you.

I just had a wake up call,
Wishing that I never let you fall,
Baby you are not to blame at all.
when I'm the one that pushed you away.
Baby if you knew I cared,
You'd have never went nowhere (nowhere),
Girl I should've been right there.

How do I breathe
Without you here by my side?
How will I see
When your love brought me to the light?
Where do I go
When your heart's where I lay my head?
When you're not with me,
How do I breathe?
How do I breathe?

Girl I'm losin' my mind.
Yes I made a mistake.
I thought that you would be mine.
Guess the joke was on me.
I miss you so bad, I can't sleep.

Informative & Non-Informative Sentences

A sentence is a group of words divided into two piles. One of the piles of words is the thing about which something is being claimed. And the other pile is the claim itself. For example, “my youngest son is sleeping quietly” is a sentence. The first pile of words is “my youngest son” and the second is “sleeping quietly”, because “my youngest son” is the thing about which something is being claimed and “sleeping quietly” is the actual claim. This type of sentence is called جملة خبرية (informative sentence).

There is one other type of sentence. It also has two piles of words, but the second is not really a claim about the first. For example, “can I play, too?” is a sentence and the two piles of words are “can I” and “play, too”. However, nothing is being claimed. This is called جملة إنشائية (non-informative sentence).

A non-informative sentence is actually just an informative one with one of the following things done to it.

Yeni Bir Siteyle Merhaba

Bugün yeni bir siteyle merhaba dedik.

Sitemizde çalışmalarımız devam ediyor. En güncel yazılarla buradayız

bizi takip etmeye devam ediniz..

The Prince and The Honest Girl

A long time ago, there was a young Prince who wanted very much to find a wife. The Prince wanted his wife to be beautiful, but much more than that, the young prince wanted to marry an honest girl whom he could trust.
One day, the Prince decided how he might find such a wife. 'There will be a competition,' he said, 'and all of the girls in the village will be able to enter.'
So the girls of the village gathered to hear the Prince speak. They were all very beautiful, and all very eager to marry the handsome Prince.
'I know how I will decide which of you will be my wife,' declared the Prince. 'I will give each of you a flower seed, and the one who grows the biggest and most beautiful flower will be my bride.'


Anytime, anywhere, any place
You could be anyone today
Maybe I will recognize you on a crowded street

Maybe youll take me by surprise
Will you be the one I had in mind?

Therell come a day, when you walk out of my dreams
Face to face, like Im imagining
Baby, how can I be sure that youre the one Im waiting for?
Will you be unmistakable?

People say, I'm watching life through the glass
Desperately waiting on a chance
I know youre out there holding on, holding out for me

But are we gonna know the time is right?
What if youre here and Im just blind?

Therell come a day when, you walk out of my dreams
Face to face, like Im imagining
Baby, how can I be sure that youre the one Im waiting for?
Will you be unmistakable?

How can I know a song I've never heard?
How will I know you for you swear you haven't said a word
How do I know how this will end before we begin
Before we begin

There'll come a day when you walk out of my dream


you play me leave me and win me
you on your longing come me and leave me
you forget me Uh of me Uh ya baffles me and all night
and on your comfort but you must wait on me i'm
play play play Uh my master
play play play Uh my soul for your strong love
play play Uh the game
play play play Uh my soul good player strong cayenne
you are working to plan and drawing
on what Yaa pic beautiful
are we in love or what ,baby?
or we just play ball
or you cheat me and with my longing play me
you hurt me and i complain to you from my Neglect
from easy you sell me and never I'm came to your mind
you deserve what will happen to you...

انت تلعبلي تهجرني تغلبني
انت على شوقك بتجبني و تسبني
انت تنساني آه ياني آه يا حيرتي وكل ليليا
وبراحتك بس انت استنى عليا

العب العب العب آه يا سيدي
العب العب العب آه يا روحي علشان حبك قوي

العب العب العب آه يا لعبه
العب العب العب آه يا روحي لعيب حريف قوي

عمال بتخطط وبترسم
على ايه يا جميل الصورة

The Girl Who Loved Roses

Many beautiful flowers grew in the park. There were lilies, carnations, violets, tulips, and many more besides. The colours were amazing to look at, and the smell of the flowers was very soothing.
Maya’s favorite flowers were roses; she loved the red ones, the yellow ones, the pink ones, the orange ones, and the white ones. Every day she would go to the park and pick a rose of each colour, then she would take them to her mother’s grave at the bottom of the park. Maya’s mother had died two years ago after becoming very ill, and the young girl had promised herself that she would visit the grave every day so that her mother would never be forgotten.

One day, while Maya was picking roses in the park, she saw a boy sitting on the grass wearing a school uniform. He had a yellow rose in his hand, and he was tearing all of the petals from the rose, one by one. Maya ran over to the boy and shouted at him.

so, what's your story?

So, what's your story?
You that look like an angel
And always obsessing hearts for you
Always obsessing people's hearts for you
And what's my fault, tell me?
Why all this is happening to me?
Why you're obsessing me with your love?
Honey, why your love is obsessing me?

So, what's your story?
You that look like an angel
And always obsessing hearts for you
Always obsessing people's hearts for you
And what's my fault, tell me?
Why all this is happening to me?
Why you're obsessing me with your love?
Honey, why your love is obsessing me?

The spell of your eyes made my heart melt, I swear
The spell of your eyes made my heart melt, I swear
It left me and went with you
It left me in confusion and went with you

So, what's your story?
You that look like an angel
And always obsessing hearts for you
Always obsessing people's hearts for you
And what's my fault, tell me?
Why all this is happening to me?
Why you're obsessing me with your love?

Origins of 1001 Nights

One Thousand and One Nights is a diverse collection of folk tales and anecdotes. This book, or rather these volumes, consist of around two-hundred tales of famous, imaginary, literary characters. But One Thousand and One Nights isn’t just a book of stories: it is a mythical and enchanting world and a great literary accomplishment. The book transformed into the inspiration of many artists. This inspiration appeared in their creativity in fiction, theatre, poetry, music, etc. One Thousand and One Nights was imitated and used in writing stories, especially children’s stories

The traveller

Don't wave goodby to the traveller
The traveller Is gone
Don't call to the traveller
The traveller Is gone
O our lost voices
In the range and wind
We missed the train
And the traveller Is gone
Come on my heart we're tired
We're tired of standing
There's not a star left in the night sky nor spectra
The street lights are faded
The light of the letters Is extinguished
Come on my heart make us happy
For we have suffered so much
We missed the train
And the traveller Is gone
I don't know what this city
Would be tomorrow
Daylight, yellow rose and branches
That's your face , oh traveller
When I used to have eyes
Where are my eyes love
They travelled like you sweetie
We missed the train
And the traveller Is gone

El Msafer

لا تلوح للمسافر
المسافر راح
ولا تنادي للمسافر
المسافر راح
ويا ضياع اصواتنا
في المدى والريح
القطار وفاتنا
والمسافر راح
يلا يا قلبي تعبنا
اه تعبنا من الوقوف
ما بقى بالليل نجمة ولا طيوف
ذبلت انوار الشوارع
وانطفى ظي الحروف

The Princess and the Golden Ball

Once there was a beautiful princess who lived with her father in a huge palace. Although the princess was very beautiful she was also very selfish and conceited. The princess always got her own way and the king was often disappointed with his daughter. He was worried that she would grow into a selfish woman and that she would not be a good example to his people.

One day the princess was playing in the gardens of the palace. She was playing with her favourite possession in the whole world, a golden ball. The princess loved the golden ball because it was so shiny and she could see her reflection upon its surface. She also loved the ball because it was so valuable.

The princess threw the ball high into the air where the sun made it sparkle against the blue sky. Higher and higher she threw the golden ball. So high that she imagined the golden ball was a second sun; a sun belonging to her and her alone.
